Friday, April 24, 2009

We're big LOST fans

Embrace your inner gamer because LOST Season 5 is about to wind down and leave us fiending for Season 6 like whoa. With only 4 hours left in the season, it might be time to brush up on your Locke-knowledge on the wonder that is Lostpedia. Like Wikipedia, Lostpedia provides a tangled web of links that can explain, confirm, or disprove all ideas, theories, or speculations with the help of the online LOST fan community. I could literally spend 6 hours a day going from fan theories on Richard Alpert to a mini-section on "Ben's painting" to a list of cultural references in "The Constant."

Don't even get me started on the pages that explain the LOST writers-and-producers-created alternate reality games like The Lost Experience that reveal the mythology behind the show. This shit can get CREEPY, like a little too Dungeon and Dragons for me, but if you're up for a challenge/scare, you could really waste a work week going through it.


Currently my favorite theory on Lostpedia is that Ben's childhood best friend Annie from the Season 3 classic "The Man Behind the Curtain" is actually the little kid version of Kate's mom Diane Janssen. (Diane... hmm, DI-Anne as in Dharma Initiative Annie? Kate's middle name is Anne, after all.) That could mean that Kate was born on the island and it would create a whole new potential of crazy! Of course my theories are always wrong (I really really really wanted Matthew Abbadon to be future Walt), but who cares!

The best part about the site: no spoilers.

If that doesn't help you waste enough time @ work, then check out this awesome LOST-Muppet Babies mash-up that's been floating around the net for a few weeks.


Or you could write something and submit it to us. LOST-related or not.

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